This page is for Section Leaders and GSLs to understand what is needed when they have YLs in the section or Group.
Additionally, it contains information for DoE Volunteering.
The Young Leaders’ Scheme is an ongoing scheme, designed to enable young people aged between 14 and 18, to develop their leadership skills, through being part of the leadership team in a younger section.
The HQ Factsheet is here
All Young Leaders must be members of a Young Leaders’ Explorer Scout Unit, and be supported by an Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders). They access an ongoing programme of training, which involves completing training modules and working towards four missions, as part of the leadership team in a younger section.
Young Leaders are still young people in Scouting, and whilst supporting a younger section, they fall under the responsibility of the Section Leader for that section.
Hopefully, many of these Young Leaders will be the adult leaders of the future, giving something back into Scouting having had a great time themselves in the youth Sections. It is important that we encourage them and help them make the most of their young leadership experience, as this will both benefit them in their personal development, and your Group and the Movement as a whole.
For relevant information about the Young Leaders Scheme, and supporting Young Leader’s in your section, click here.
1. All Young Leaders must be members of the Young Leaders’ Unit in your district.
It is important that ALL Young Leaders are registered with the Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) (ESL(YL)), regardless of whether or not they take part in the wider Explorer Scout Programme.
2. All Young Leaders must complete Module A – Prepare for take off of the Young Leaders’ Scheme within three months of joining the Young Leaders’ Unit.
This covers fundamental issues including the aims and methods of Scouting and Child Protection. However, we should encourage all Young Leaders to complete more (and hopefully all) of the modules available.
3. The Young Leader is not an adult leader.
They must be supervised by a warranted adult leader at all times, and never given sole responsibility for a group of younger people. You cannot use a Young Leader as a substitute for having the requisite number of adults present at your meetings.
The Child Protection Policy of the Scout Association applies to the Young Leader just as it does to any other person.
If they take part in any residential or adventurous activities as a Young Leader, you should always obtain their parent or guardian’s permission.
4. Although Young Leaders are young people and cannot be treated as adult members, neither can they be managed in the same way as the young people in your section.
If the Young Leader accompanies you on a Nights Away they must have separate sleeping accommodation to both the leadership team AND the Scouts.
It is the responsibility of the GSL to manage YLs in their group same as any other leader, section leaders can help by keeping everyone informed and knowing the rules.
There is a YL Agreement document which you can use as a basis for discussion or even get all parties to sign.
DoE volunteers
You MUST be 14 to do your DoE volunteering in scouts. Schools may start in year 9, but can’t do their Volunteering until you are 14 (with Scouts).
All DoE Volunteers MUST be registered with the YL Unit there is an online form on the Website to register Croydon YLs with our YL Unit. The registration form can be found here.
All DoE volunteers MUST complete Module A training, plus an additional 2 hours before you sign off their Service as being completed.
DoE volunteers who are not members of the scouts (Schools/Guides/Cadets etc) MUST only be there for the duration of their service (3-4 months Bronze etc). After that time there is an insurance issue.
It is the group’s responsibility GSL or Section Leader to ensure all YLs are registered and mentored. Only the Section Leader or DESC can sign off their training.