Limited re-opening of campsites
We have great news for everyone after what has been a different year so far!
The Management Committees of both Centres have made enormous efforts to get them ready for members to make use of. There are still some restrictions, however, in line with Government and Scout Association guidelines.
As of the 10th October we will be open for restricted booking as follows: Tuesday evenings – Bears Wood – 5pm – 9pm – Cost £20/booking Wednesday evenings – Pinewood – 5pm – 9pm – Cost £20
Saturdays – Bears Wood – 10am – 4pm – Cost £40
Sundays – Pinewood – 10am – 4pm – Cost £40
You do not have to use the full amount of time but unfortunately due to restrictions only one group can be booked in on any one day.
Both centres are run by volunteers and therefore rely on their goodwill to be open. Unlike commercial centres that have employed staff to ensure sanitising is carried out between booking, the only way this can happen is to allow the recommended period of 72 hours between groups and that is reflected in the limited opening times.
We can only accommodate one group on each of the days and groups will be expected to follow strict protocols. The outside space ONLY will be open for use by 15 YP and 5 adults on self-led activities.
The toilets (male/female/leaders) will be open for use by TWO people each at a time. (This MUST be strictly policed by leaders)
Hand sanitisers will be provided at entrances to buildings, in each toilet and strategically around the site. Members are strongly recommended to use (but NOT abuse) this.
Each group will be responsible for the cleaning of the toilet areas and door handles after their session and in preparation for the next group 72 hours later.
As each site has only one entrance/exit driveway, leaders and parents must enter at a pre-determined time, park cars in a socially distanced manner, YP must then be directed to a holding area and parents must then leave when instructed to. Pick-up must be clearly managed in a similar fashion. More information will provided upon booking.
Should any of the necessary guidelines not be followed or the protocol be abused in anyway then the centres will be closed again. Please remember we are all volunteers as well!
All groups MUST have completed and submitted the required paperwork to district for approval before event.
To discuss & book please contact:
Bearswood – Martin at
Pinewood – George & Meike at
Priority will be given (where and if at all possible) to groups who do not have their own outdoor space near their HQ. Martin & George