
District Safety

The District Safety Committee exists to offer help and advice to Scout Groups in the District on their statutory responsibility and duty of care for the safety of persons using their premises.  These responsibilities are not Scout Association rules but Health and Safety Legislation.

Upon request and by arrangement we can arrange to carry out a Safety Audit of Group premises and provide a report to the Group with recommendations for improvement where necessary.

Safety Adviser-Tony Grogan TechIOSH , MIIRSM, NEBOSH District Safety Committee Chairman

Tel 01959 523649

Fire Risk Assessments

The Regulatory Reform Order (RRO) came into force on 1st October 2006.

Under this reform it is a legal requirement that all premises require a Fire Risk Assessment.

The regulation also requires that a documented Fire Risk Assessment be available for inspection on your premises and that all users be aware and trained in the actions required by the assessment.

Other legal requirements

Under The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 other legal requirements have been introduced.

In Scouting we may not be at work but these pieces of legislation form the basis of good practice.

In the event of an emergency or incident, we may find ourselves judged by these.

We have therefore recommended the following practices, procedures and paperwork as evidence of your Duty of Care.

  • Appoint a Group Safety Officer
  • Maintain a Group Health and Safety Policy
  • Maintain a Safety Logbook for your premises
  • Prepare and maintain a Fire Risk Assessment
  • Regularly inspect and hold certificates for Electrical and Gas Installation and Fire extinguishers.
  • Provide training and record training for Users of the premises and Members
  • Maintain an available First Aid Kit and accident procedures and record.

Below are useful documents that can be downloaded.

Format File File Reference
All Word Group Health & Safety Policy  1
Group Safety Logbook 2
Group Safety Officer Duties 3
Group Fire Risk Assessment 4
Duty of Care Summary 5
User Training Notes and Welcome Pack 6
Risk Assessment for Group Maintenance Activities 7
Storage of LPG 8









Asbestos in your premises 10
Disabled Discrimination Act requirements 11
Electrical and Gas Installations – The Regulation requirements 12
Group Premises Audit Master Form 13
Health and Safety Law for Your Scout Premises- What you should know 14
HSE Publication indg236 Electrical Inspections

Fire Training notes



HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III