Scouts (10½–14)
Each Scout Troop consists of small units of six to eight Scouts called a Patrol, usually led by a Patrol Leader. Outdoor activities feature prominently, with the highlight being camping. Throughout the year, Scouts learn various skills, such as map reading, camp cooking and first aid in preparation for camp.
Rock climbing, potholing, gliding, photography and international experiences are just some of the things they get up to.
Typically Croydon scouts meet with other Scouts in the district to undertake the following activates
January – District Swimming Gala
February – Patrol Leaders Training
February – First Aid
February – Pioneering Day
April – Survival (Part 1)
April – Cub/Scout Link Skills Day
April – Leaders Survival Weekend
May – Checkpoint Challenge
June – Adkin Camping Challenge
July – Water Activities Day
September – Survival (Part 2)
October – Indoor Cooking Competition
Click to see information about the Scout Uniform and Badge Placement